Eye tracking heat map
Eye tracking heat map

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Be sure to read the book to see a full analysis of this eye tracking study. Many of the powerful strategies in my book, Make A Killing On Kindle, came out of the findings in this study. Where do they look? For how long? What areas are they most interested in–the cover, the title, the copy, the price, the reviews, the Look Inside feature? Do they scroll past the “fold” or do they stay above it? You’ll be fascinated with the resulting heat map created out of the respondents’ gaze patterns. I commissioned a research lab to find out what shoppers do when they land on a book page. An Eye Tracking Study That Will Help You Sell Books The heat maps are analyzed to see where users look, which ultimately increases conversions and helps you sell more books. This Eye Tracking Heatmap Style was designed by Dan Svetlichnyy - Dribbble - Twitter - Source page. Heat maps highlight cumulative, static importance in eye-tracking records, while network analysis helps elucidate dynamic importance from transitional relations. With this information, you can then improve your pages to show your visitors what. Heat Maps shows you EXACTLY where people are clicking on your site. LookTracker conducts highly accurate eye tracking focus group studies on web pages to produce heat map reports. Eye tracking or heatmap style which can be copied (Cmd+Alt+C) and pasted (Cmd+Alt+V) or applied to other layers. Improve Visitor Interaction with Heat Maps. * Study conducted by LookTracker Research Laboratory for.

Eye tracking heat map